This article is more than 1 year old

Hunting for IT staff? Lost your job during the pandemic? Sysadmin vacancies – and a free job ads offer – inside

Employers, would-be employees, we're here to help during these trying times

Job alert We've received a couple of solid responses to our offer last week, in which we invited organizations seeking tech staff to tackle the coronovirus pandemic to send in their recruitment ads and we would run them for free online. No catch, no snark, nor strings attached.

We're a bit worried we made that offer too specific, or perhaps just nobody's hiring right now?

Either way, this week we're broadening it out – anyone hiring IT staff and techies for any reason – should contact us with their job ads (sorry, but no agencies). Just include a few details, such as the role's title, its key responsibilities and requirements, and a link or contact details to find out more, and we'll share the info for free on The Register.

If you've got tech roles that need filling, we'll shout about them weekly, for free. Yes, free. These are difficult times for everyone, and we want to help get the tech community into work wherever they are.

Back to last week's job opportunities.

The first one is a stunner, from an organisation knee deep in the fight against this and many of the world's medical challenges.

System Admin, Medical School of Swansea University, UK: The Population Data Science Team in the Medical School of Swansea University is looking for a System Administrator to support and further develop their Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) known as SeRP (Secure eResearch Platform) for research organisations across the UK and globally. This is an exciting opportunity to be working at the forefront of data research infrastructure, supporting leading researchers, working to better understand diseases and discover ways to prevent, treat and cure them.

SeRP utilises the latest technology to provide the service and operates the latest cyber security technology and policies to ensure the safe, secure and access to data for research purposes. SeRP is a mixture of Windows and Linux utilising a best of breed technology approach.

Find out more and apply for the role here.

The next one takes us across the pond to Dallas, Texas, where a Linux guru is needed…

Linux System Generalist, University of Texas at Dallas: Computing systems and compute infrastructure in the Department of Computer Science encompasses unique leading edge research systems, networking, small compute clusters, medium scale virtualization for research and academics, and an agglomeration of development and academic workstations.

A computing systems specialist provides technical expertise and operational experience to the researchers, faculty, students, and other technical team members. We are seeking an experienced Linux computing systems specialist who can engage on a cross-section of computing systems implementations.

Find out more and apply for the role here.

That's it for this week, but remember if you're hiring tech staff anywhere in the world, let us know here and we'll publicize it for free… yes, really, just free. No catch. We're trying to help. ®


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