This article is more than 1 year old

Short of tech talent to deal with novel coronavirus surge? Let us help – with free job ads on The Register

No snark, just something to help an IT industry in need

It won't have escaped anyone in the tech community and the wider world that we are in for some challenging times.

As such, The Register wants to extend a helping hand to any organizations in desperate need of technology talent.

We are inviting companies to send us their job ads that we will run for free on this website so that techies of all types can peruse and apply for new opportunities.

If you've been laid off amid the coronavirus pandemic, keep your eyes on El Reg because we'll be running ads for jobs.

If you're hiring people on account of a surge in demand for specific resources, or for other reasons, let us know, and we'll publicise the fact for free every Friday in a roundup of the jobs that we've been made aware of.

Things we need to know include: job title, key skills, remuneration, and where our readers can apply or find out more info.

You can send job posts through to us at

Thanks, good luck, and best wishes, everyone. ®

PS: Please don't abuse this offer, though, because, let's face it, you don't want to end up as a headline.


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