This article is more than 1 year old

Microsoft still working to fix Outlook sync issues

Fix completed, says Redmond, it's just being deployed...

Outlook users are still struggling to get their email clients to synchronise with Microsoft's servers.

The outage, which may now be in its sixth day, has left users confused and annoyed, as they have themselves complained on sites such as Down Detector and Down Today.

A Microsoft spokesperson told The Register: "Some customers may have difficulty accessing their email accounts. As we work to resolve this, customers can access their email via on the web and can visit our service health status page for updates."

According to the Office365 service status page, users "may be unable to access or synchronize their accounts while using applications or mobile devices".

Microsoft says it is "focused on remediation" and notes that "users may be able to access the service by logging in to their accounts with a web browser as an alternative method".

While some users had complained that they had been experiencing issues for three days, the service status page reports that the issue had a start time of Thursday, November 17, meaning users are currently suffering their sixth day of sync-less drudgery.

As of writing, the company says it has "completed the fix and [is] deploying it throughout the affected environment".

The Register has asked Microsoft what the cause of the sync issues was and will update this article if we receive a response. ®


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