This article is more than 1 year old

It's the wobbly Microsoft service sweepstake! If you have 'Teams', you've won a lifetime Slack sub

Just kidding, no one deserves that. But you'd be right

Microsoft's Slack-alike, Teams, has taken a beating from the stick of instability, and was still wobbling at the time of publication.

Users around Europe and beyond began reporting issues connecting to the online collaboration platform from around 10:00 UTC. The problems cover both the app and web versions of Teams, with users' sessions repeatedly reconnecting and requests to restart popping up.

Both Office 365 and OneDrive have tottered over the last few weeks. While deep within the bowels of Redmond, a sorrowful engineer reset the "Days without an incident" clock, Microsoft's support orifice initially professed ignorance of the issue, much to the annoyance of users.

An hour and a half later and yes, the support team was able to admit that there was indeed a problem.

Teams is a critical part of Microsoft's collaboration plans and competes directly with hipster chat app Slack. Teams, of course, has the benefit of deep Office 365 integration, although Slack continues to enjoy a greater share of the market in spite of the gang at Redmond flinging out a free edition of their platform to get users on board.

Back in September, Microsoft claimed that "Teams is the fastest growing business app in Microsoft history". Today's incident would therefore represent growing pains.

We have contacted Microsoft to find out what the issue is, and will update the story when we learn more. ®


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