This article is more than 1 year old

Office 365 enjoys good old-fashioned Thursday wobble as email teeters over in Europe

2018's greatest hits on repeat in 2019 for some lucky Microsoft punters

Updated Office 365 is enjoying a Thursday wobble this morning, at least as far as users in the UK and much of Europe are concerned.

Users began noticing that something was amiss when they encountered issues connecting to the company’s cloudy email servers, with the first reports coming in at 9:30 UTC.

Microsoft’s support orifice quickly took to Twitter to agree that, yes, things weren’t happy in the land of Exchange.

However, it has been less quick to the update the status page of the website which, at time writing, was still insisting that everything was a-ok in the face of a tsunami of complaints from users lacking the usual “checking my email” work avoidance excuse.

The Register called Microsoft to find out what was going on, and was told by a Microsoft spokesperson “We’re working to resolve difficulties some customers in Europe are experiencing when attempting to access Exchange Online. Admins can find status updates on the Admin Center.”

Sadly, judging by the report sent to us by Reg reader Tobias Ayling, Admin Center is as much use as, er, a copy of Outlook pointed at Office 365. It simply talks of a networking issue impacting mailboxes with no indication when users will once again be able to access their mail.

A subsequent update reckoned the team had identified the issue and was poring over log files to work out where it needed to apply the duct tape.

The next update is due at 13:00 UTC, so you might as well knock off for lunch now. Our's is a pint of Heavy. Thanks.

The team at Redmond has struggled to keep its Office 365 service vertical of late. There have been repeated outages on this side of the pond with the cloudy subscription product getting particularly tottery as 2018 drew to a close.

Start 2019 as you mean to go on, eh gang? ®

Updated to add

A Microsoft spokesperson got in touch with an updated statement:

“We’re working to resolve difficulties a limited subset of enterprise customers in Europe are experiencing when attempting to access Exchange Online. Consumers are not affected. Admins can find status updates on the Admin Center.”

The company was also keen to let affected customers know that status updates would be coming from their friendly neighbourhood BOFH rather than the public facing Microsoft 365 Service Health page. Those BOFHs can take a look at the Service Health Dashboard (SHD), accessible by IT admins, and pass on whatever info they can glean from Microsoft’s updates.


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