This article is more than 1 year old

Redmond adds malware, phish warnings to Bing

Catching dodgy content

Microsoft has followed Google's lead by making the malware warnings in its Bing search engine more nuanced.

On Friday, the company announced that instead of one generic warning for dangerous sites, it is now giving users different messages for malware sites and phishing sites.

Where a search brings up a hit on a site known to Bing as a source of phishing, users will get this warning:

Bing phishing warning

Malware sites will be flagged with this warning:

Bing malware warning

The Webmaster dashboard has also been made more sophisticated, highlighting the links that have given rise to the warning.

Bing's post explains: “By refining the generic malware warning, Bing now gives more details about the type of threat the user is facing. Furthermore, this improvement enables webmasters to clean their site quicker by having stronger insights into why their site was flagged.”

Google started raising malware red flags in 2015.

Earlier this year, The Chocolate Factory expanded its warnings to alert users to dodgy “download now” buttons. That way, if users are tricked by a “social engineering” page that puts them at risk of a stolen password, they receive alerts. ®


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