This article is more than 1 year old

You CAN'T be a Silicon Roundabout hipster... you don't have Bluetooth socks

Quick, chuck us $80k so we can take care of that bulge

Hipsters concerned that their footwear is lagging in the cool stakes will soon be ordering Bluetooth-enabled socks, even if they do make them look like a young offender with an electronic tag.

The Sensoria sock monitors impact across the toes and heel of the foot as the wearer runs, providing helpful advice about stride and impact through a Bluetooth-connected iPhone.

Despite an overwhelming similarity to a criminal's ankle tag the project has already raised more than $85,699 and should hit its $87k target by the end of the day.

The tag-like bulge contains the battery, CPU and radio, and clips onto the socks during use. The socks themselves (and the sensor embedded therein) are entirely washable, which is a relief.

In typical Kickstarter funding style there's an overbearing video appealing for more money:

Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that the prototype, bulging around the runner's ankles in the video, is rather larger than the supposed design - but that's what the eighty grand is meant to go towards rectifying, obviously.

Fitness monitoring shoes have been on the market for a while, and Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) is becoming the default communications protocol which is helping compatibility. But why stop there? Twitter-enabled clothing is surely the next big thing coming to Silicon Roundabout – if it's not there already. ®


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