This article is more than 1 year old

The Shock of the New: The Register redesign update 4

Some changes for your delectation

Readers, thanks for all the feedback. Here's a list of tweaks we rolled out today.

  • Changed screen outside site background colour from white to grey.
  • Top Art in stories - now editorially selectable - in response to feedback about relevance (see above).
  • Reduced headline font size on Hero “story” at top of front page, articles and forum pages.
  • Masthead - entirely clickable to get back to front page(with exception of area containing social media buttons).
  • Footer - “The Register” text now clickable to help return readers to front page.
  • Visited and hover states swapped for better readability.
  • A Christmas masthead!

The forum thread about our redesign is now approaching 1000 comments. Feel free to continue posting there - but it might be more manageable to give us your feedback directly via this article. ®


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