This article is more than 1 year old

Continuous Lifecycle 2019 call for papers is open NOW

Who do we want on stage? You of course

Events Continuous Lifecycle London returns in May 2019, and we want to hear your proposals for conference sessions and all-day workshops, spanning the full range of agile, DevOps, application lifecycle management, CD, and container technologies and methodologies.

We will be staging almost 40 conference sessions over two days in May 2019, plus a day of hands-on technical workshops.

Our attendees range from experienced technology managers just beginning to pivot from traditional waterfall development methods, to organisations well down their path to DevOps and/or Continuous Delivery who are looking to keep on top of the latest tools and methodologies.

So the emphasis throughout Continuous Lifecycle is on practical sessions that highlight the real world problems our attendees face, and the ways in which DevOps, Continuous Delivery and associated tools can help solve them. Full details of the topics we're interested in, and the call for papers form, are here.

If you want to hack some code or deploy an application live on stage, we’d love to hear from you. Proposals highlighting vision and culture are great, IF you can show how they produce real world effects in a real world organisation.

The deadline for papers is October 19, and our programme committee will work through the submissions and have a draft program by the beginning of December. If you’re on the schedule, you get free entry to the entire conference.

Full details of the event, including the call for papers procedure and earlybird ticket deals, are here. ®


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