This article is more than 1 year old

A sure fire way to save cash and learn how to build AI: Early bird tix to our ML conference

Discount tickets on sale for just one more week – sign up now

If you want to get to grip with the key theories and tools behind machine learning and AI, and see how your peers have them into practice in real businesses, you should grab an early bird ticket for MCubed now.

Our early bird ticket offer is due to expire in a week, and with it your chance to save hundreds of pounds tickets for both the October 15 to 16 conference and our optional all-day workshops on October 17.

The conference agenda will highlight key concepts and technologies, from core algorithms, through tools and frameworks, to how to manage projects and rollouts, as well as featuring organisations and businesses that have applied them to real world problems.

And if you want to dive deeper, our workshop day includes sessions on Tensorflow, AI using DevOps and the cloud, Spark, and how to holistically manage your data and machine learning project.

This all happens at 30 Euston Square, in London, UK, which means you’ll be able to talk to and learn from both the speakers and your fellow attendees over some great food and drink in comfortable surroundings.

So don’t delay. Grab your ticket now, and you’ll be hundreds of pounds better off. ®


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