This article is more than 1 year old

Want to get Serverless into production? Spend a few days with us

Serverless changes everything... 'cept for the things that stay the same

Events Embracing Serverless isn’t just a question of writing a couple of functions, flicking a switch and keeping half an eye on your costs.

The fundamentals of testing, security, monitoring, and good governance still apply. So you’ll be pleased to know that these issues, and much much more are all on the agenda at Serverless Computing London next month.

The event is brought to you by The Register and our friends at Heise. Our independently developed programme includes nearly 40 conference speakers, who have all utilised platforms like Azure Functions and AWS Lambda in enterprise grade environments.

They can give you real world advice on the design principles you need to understand to get serverless into production, the security concepts you need to bear in mind, and the bumps in the road you’ll likely encounter.

This is in addition to giving unvarnished feedback on key platforms, as well as deep dives on the key technologies you’ll encounter.

And to get really deep, check out our optional day-three workshops on AWS Lambda and Kubeless.

This all happens within a fabulous venue with some fine food and drink - including first night drinks party - meaning you’ll be able to connect with both our speakers and your fellow attendees throughout the conference.

So, don’t delay. Head to the Serverless Computing London website today, and we’ll see you in November.


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