This article is more than 1 year old

AI, Reinforcement Learning, Neural Networks... DevOps? Learn more this month

Making machine learning work at work

Event From CNNs to GPUs, there’s a whole spectrum of technologies and tools you can use to bring AI and machine learning into your business.

But if you fail to manage your projects correctly, you just won’t get the benefits you’d hoped for.

That’s why at our MCubed conference this month, our speakers don’t just dive into the most important concepts and technologies, they show you how to implement them in production and skirt some of the major traps.

So as well as covering core concepts and tools such as TensorFLow and Keras, our speakers will be discussing how to make your AI development more efficient, and how you can develop and deploy your machine learning models faster with DevOps. We'll also examine how to avoid vendor lock-in.

And if you want to get really hands on, we have a brace of workshops covering developing and deploying machine learning and using the cloud, containers and DevOps to get your project into production.

This all happens at 30 Euston Square on October 15 to 17, and because this conference is brought to you by The Register and Heise, you can be sure that the conversation will flow at lunch, and at our first night drinks party.

But time is running out. Head to the MCubed website today, and secure your place. See you next month. ®


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