This article is more than 1 year old

CLL '19 to span DevOps, Containers, Continuous Delivery and Serverless

Agenda is set, blind bird tickets going soon

Events We'll be revealing the first tranche of speakers for Continuous Lifecycle 2019 next week, meaning you have just days to save hundreds of pounds with our blind bird ticket offer.

Once again, our independent committee have put together a programme that spans fundamental tools and concepts of containerization, continuous delivery, Agile, DevOps and serverless, and their practical application in real organisations.

So whether you're just starting your journey into modern software development and deployment, or are well along the path and looking for guidance, or even inspiration, for your next step, there are nearly 40 great reasons to join us.

We're hitting the button on the agenda next week, but right now you can snap up blind bird tickets for the conference for just £500 plus VAT, but this offer expires once the speakers are announced.

Continuous Lifecycle London will take place at the QEII conference centre 14-16 May next year, with two days of excellent conference sessions, and an optional third day of yet-to-be-announced hands-on workshops.

So give yourself an early present, head to the website and snap up your ticket now. ®


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