This article is more than 1 year old

Serverless Computing London Call for Papers is open NOW

Functions as a conference...

Serverless Computing London returns in November, and we want you to be there, on stage.

Last year Situation Publishing, the people behind The Register and DevClass, together with Heise Medien, launched Serverless Computing London, the first three day event to focus on the full range of serverless platforms and tools, and how they can change enterprise computing.

This year’s conference takes place from November 6 to 8 at the QE II Conference Centre in Central London, slap bang in the heart of the biggest tech community in Europe.

Once again, we are looking for speakers and workshop instructors who are leading the charge in Serverless, by developing and delivering the key building blocks and methodologies, and putting the technology into production in real world organisations.

This is a platform agnostic conference, so whether you’re building applications on Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Functions or OpenFaaS, or all of the above, we’d love to hear how you’re getting along.

And it doesn’t matter whether you’re the architect drawing up the grand plan, or the engineer implementing it and making it work. What’s important is that you’ve got practical knowledge and experience you can share with our attendees.

You can see the full breakdown of the technologies we’re interested in, and make your proposal on the Serverless website here. You can also see videos of last year’s conference. We look forward to hearing from you. ®


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