This article is more than 1 year old

Want to learn how to accelerate your software ops AND save big?

CLL 19 early bird tickets disappear in two weeks

Events If you want to accelerate your software development and deployment operation, and stay within budget, get your skates on to grab a handful of tickets for Continuous Lifecycle London before our early bird offer expires in two weeks.

We have two excellent keynote speakers in the shape of Kubernetes pioneer and Heptio CTO Joe Beda, and Squarespace principal engineer Tanya Reilly.

They’ll be joined by a lineup of conference sessions that will take you from fundamental concepts of DevOps and Continuous Delivery, through deep dives on key technologies and tools, such as Containers and Prometheus, to practical explanations of how they've been put into practice in industries ranging from media, to banking to nuclear power.

And if you want to dive really deep, we've got a lineup of option all-day workshops spanning Advanced Pipeline Deployment with CD pioneer Dave Farley, Kubernetes in production, Serverless Computing on AWS and Advanced Kubernetes.

As always, we'll ensure you're looked after, with great food and drink, and ensure you've got time and space to connect with your fellow attendees and our speakers.

This all happens between May 14 to 16, but right now, you can save hundreds of pounds on both conference tickets, as well as on the optional day-three workshops. It's best way to ensure you're getting a detailed overview of modern software development and deployment, and honing your knowledge of key areas.

You can see the speaker lineup, view videos of our previous conferences, and grab those super bargain tickets at the Continuous Lifecycle London website here.


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