This article is more than 1 year old

Evernote says goodbye to Hello, shuts lid on Peek

Oddball experiments canned

Evernote, which makes a useful free form database with over 100 million users, has taken an axe to some little used services and platforms, while extending its new chat service to iDevices.

The contact manager Evernote Hello is getting the chop – the company explains its functions, which include business-card scanning, have been absorbed into the ever-growing main app. Evernote’s scanning app Scannable continues unharmed.

Meanwhile Peek – which is more of a micro-featurette than a “service”, allowing you to work with an iPad cover partially open ( yes) – is also put out of its misery. Evernote is ending support for BlackBerry OS 7 devices and the PlayBook. The axe falls on 7 February – Evernote users won’t lose any data.

The company raised bloatware concerns and grafted an IM client into Evernote. Because, you know, users find it so difficult to fire up another IM client like Skype and run them at the same time.

“Why switch between apps to write, present, share your ideas, and get feedback?” asks BlackBerry. Um, because you’re still switching between contexts, and people have dozens or hundreds of members in their chat circles already? Anyway. It has tweaked the feature in the latest revision.

Evernote has over 400 staff according to a recent statement, but laid off around 20 to focus in Redwood City and Zurich. Google paid it the ultimate compliment by making a carbon copy clone of Evernote, right down to the icons, snippet view and green theme, two years ago. ®


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