How to bridge data silos and enable cloud-like efficiency within on-prem infrastructure

Unlocking data potential with HPE GreenLake

Sponsored Feature Modern business decisions rely on intelligent data rather than assumptions. To make informed operational and business choices, organizations amass and store vast amounts of data.

Data-driven insights can significantly benefit supply chain management, resource allocation, process optimization, and understanding customer preferences. Personalized business experiences are now expected by 71 percent of consumers, and leveraging valuable data insights can meet this demand. Studies indicate that enhancing the customer experience can boost sales revenues by 2-7 percent and profitability by 1-2 percent.

However, businesses struggle to unify data into a single source of truth. Many organizations face challenges in establishing innovative, data-driven processes.

A recent Statista survey of 116 businesses worldwide reveals that many firms still struggle to establish innovative, data-driven organizations. This becomes problematic as digital transformations proceed without sufficient data intelligence. Data silos, inadequate infrastructure to handle growing data volumes, and unstructured data impede the unlocking of data's full potential.

The exponential growth of data, estimated to be twice as large by 2025, further compounds the issue. Merely collecting and storing data is insufficient; the real challenge lies in extracting meaningful insights for strategic decision-making.

Common hurdles in unlocking data value and intelligence include:

- Multiple data silos: Silos obstruct data availability and value, necessitating their dismantling to facilitate data access, security, sharing, and collaboration.

- Inadequate infrastructure for high data volumes: Existing on-premises infrastructure may lack the processing power and storage capacity required. Moving resources to the cloud is an option, but it can be costly and complex. Hybrid solutions have gained popularity.

- Unstructured data: Scattered across various locations and formats, unstructured data is difficult to integrate, organize, analyze, and gain insights from.

Addressing these challenges requires a robust data management solution that aggregates data from silos, offers valuable insights regardless of storage location, and automates processes using AI. Let's explore how Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) GreenLake provides such a solution.

Wave goodbye to data silos

HPE GreenLake, an edge-to-cloud platform, enables data-first modernization through various services. By integrating existing infrastructures with cloud resources, organizations can adopt a cloud-like experience without full migration. The platform allows businesses to maximize their edge investments while capitalizing on cloud scalability, agility, and innovation.

The platform also analyzes data wherever it resides, to address cost and complexity concerns associated with sending, storing, and analyzing data in the cloud. It eliminates data silos and empowers organizations to extract real-time insights from their operations, delivering a holistic view of their data-driven insights.

With this approach, companies can also apply the same data management policies, rules and deployments across their on-premise and cloud environments with minimal overhead.

Offered on a self-service, pay-as-you-go model, HPE GreenLake provides businesses with control over accessing and consuming services. The automated self-service functionality enables provisioning, configuration, and management of IT resources according to specific requirements.

The pay-as-you-go model eliminates upfront capital expenditures, allowing businesses to scale resources based on demand and align IT spending with operational needs.

HPE GreenLake gives customers the opportunity to get a true picture of activities across their hybrid estate by offering an analytics dashboard that can display key features, such as consumption analytics, continuous regulatory compliance monitoring, and fast provisioning.

"Businesses now have the opportunity to use the HPE GreenLake Cloud Portal (GLCP), which is designed to harmonize all the assets owned by a company into a single pane, which can be fed over time into an analytics backend, allowing businesses to have an overview of how their data is performing," says Williams.

Several case studies highlight how HPE GreenLake adoption has helped companies sustain business growth through data intelligence.

In summary, data is a valuable resource, but its true worth lies in the insights it provides. HPE GreenLake aims to bridge data silos and enable cloud-like efficiency within on-premises infrastructure. By maintaining control, governance, security, and familiarity, organizations can achieve data-first business transformation.

Sponsored by HPE.

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