This article is more than 1 year old

Google hands out roses to preferred Android MDM vendors

Lucky few get Chocolate Factory's endorsement as Enterprise Mobility Management

Google is extending its Android Enterprise Recommended program to mobile device management.

The Mountain View advertising giant has unveiled the first crop of vendors to gain its official endorsement for Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) software and services. Firms that are given the title will be able to tell customers their products are officially endorsed by Google as being able to manage Android across multiple hardware vendors and device types.

This, in theory, will give those vendors an edge when pitching businesses on their mobile device administration platforms, while also allowing Google to pitch Android as the mobile OS of choice for companies that want to be able to control how employees can access and share documents and information on company-issued devices. In the process, both sides benefit from bulk sales to large enterprise customers.

To get the Android Enterprise Recommended label, vendors have to meet a set of criteria, including support for Android Enterprise hardware, providing "advanced security and management features", and keeping abreast of the latest Android releases.

The endorsed firms are also required to spring for Google-provided training for their sales and support staff and keep up-to-date documentation and user guides for Android admins.

"We've collaborated closely with EMM partners over the years, and understand what it takes to demonstrate excellence in this area," said Will Ro, head of Android Enterprise partnerships, management, and security.

"With this program, we're recognizing partners who provide the most comprehensive technical solutions and have knowledgeable teams focused on modern Android security and management."

Readers will not be at all shocked to learn that the first crop of Android Enterprise Recommended management will include Google Cloud, which offers its own set of Android device management tools.

Other vendors making the opening day lineup include IBM, Blackberry, Microsoft, VMware, Softbank, I3 Systems, SOTI, and MobileIron. Google said all either currently have their certified products out now or are planning a rollout in the coming months. ®


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