This article is more than 1 year old

El Reg mulls entering Robot Wars arena

Vulturebot death machine? A lovely idea

The news this week that the BBC is to reboot its celebrated robo-deathmatch series Robot Wars prompted much comment from our beloved readers, and amid the excitement, Sleepypete posed the provocative question: "Anyone else hoping that SPB turn their talents to making an all conquering, all destroying, punyhuman enslaving Vulturebot?"

Well, it's a fantastic idea, and we got straight in touch with Robot Wars production outfit Mentorn with an eye to getting an application in. Sadly, the show's due to start shooting in March, so there's no way we can design and build a plausible Vulturebot by then.

However, it's certainly worth considering getting started on something for a subsequent series, availing ourselves of the vast pool of reader expertise which has already contributed so much to the Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) mission.

So, while LOHAN's on hold awaiting some form of movement from the FAA - and rest assured progress is being made by our US allies at Edge Research Laboratory - let's have a think about just what kind of apocalypse machine might one day do battle in the Robot Wars arena.

We await your thoughts/suggestions with the usual anticipation... ®


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