This article is more than 1 year old

Ever wondered what the worst TV show in the world would be? Apple just commissioned it

Staring and screaming at Xcode – 11/10, would watch again

Remember when soccer's governing body FIFA spent $30m making a film about itself starring Tim Roth and Gérard Depardieu?

Well, the tech world's most egomaniacal company is going to bring its version to the small screen.

That's right, Apple has decided to join Netflix and Amazon and get in on the content commissioning game by ordering a television show about... app developers.

The tech giant has reportedly signed up producer Ben Silverman to create an entire TV show about nerds making iPhone products. And he's also been given a corporate remit: it should increase people's interest in Apple's App Store.

Apple veep Eddy Cue told the New York Post (we swear we are not making this up): "We've been focused on a lot of content around Apple Music, video is a big part of it and we'll do more of those shows. This was another opportunity right up our alley with apps."

Right up our alley is probably the apt metaphor for a show that is almost certain to be an excruciating blend of dull techno-babble and dry corporate product humping.

Silverman is actually a well-respected producer, having made shows like The Office, Ugly Betty and The Tudors, but he recently parted ways with main backer IAC and has been looking for new financial partners.

Given Apple's notorious lack of humor and famous control-freak tendencies, it's hard to imagine that the only way a show about app developers will work – either as a reality-TV show complete with cringing emotional blow-ups, or a satire like HBO's Silicon Valley – will pass muster.

"All these great developers haven't yet had their stories told," Silverman said in an interview. "It was dependent on having a partner in Apple which created this eco-system."


The approach – if not the content plan – is becoming increasingly common. Amazon has commissioned a number of new TV shows – including the award-winning Mozart in the Jungle – as a way to pull people to its Amazon Prime service. Netflix has been doing likewise, most notably with House of Cards but also a long list of other original programming.

Apple is attempting the same, but more to push its hardware rather than its streaming service. The company has decided to push hard on its AppleTV in the hope it can become a central hub for a more connected home.

As well as this app developer TV show, Apple is also working with Dr Dre (whose Beats company Apple paid $3bn for) on a show about him called Vital Signs, as well as six-part series with Vice Media about music called The Score. ®


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